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PUASA.... PUASA.... mari kita PUASA...
kata PUASA jangan dipenggal menjadi PUAS AH... kalau kata puasa dipenggal seperti itu,maka sama aja tidak puasa. Puasa berati menahandiri dari makan dan minum dari fajar sampai terbenamnya matahari. Tidak hanya itu, puasa juga berarti menahan hawa nafsu yang tidak baik. jika puasa diartikan PUAS AH.... maka bukan menahan, malah akan memuaskan.... jadi PUASALAH....


Why do Mosquitoes buzz?

To begin the story, let me to tell you that a long time ago, mosguitoes didn’t buzz, they talked and talked. Then one daya when one of them talked to an Iguana and didn’ let the iguana say one word. The Iguana just grumbled and waved her tail until she fofgot to say hello to her friends a snake. After that, everything was in a mess. The snake was so angry that he made a rabbit, a monkey, a crow, and an owl get fightened. Finally, the whole jungle was mad at the mosquito and cried for the Sun to come up and when it did, the mosquito lost hir voice.
(Adapted from : Look Ahead 2)

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